August 6 – Pradosham
Pradosham comes twice a month and is observed on the 13th day of every fortnight. The

August 4 – Kamika Ekadashi
In Sanskrit, Ekadasi means 11, So Ekadasi is the 11th day of the Paksha of

August 2 – Aadi Krithigai
Aadi Krithigai is an important festival celebrated in the Tamil month of Aadi. In 2021,

July 17 – Ramayana Maasam Starts
The holy month of Karkataka Masam, famously known as Ramayana Masam is celebrated with great

July 17 – Dakshinayanam begins
Dakshinayana is the six-month period between Summer solstice and Winter solstice, when the sun travels towards

July 10 – Mahaveera Vaibhava Avathara Day
Vaishnava Acharya Vedanta Desika wrote an entire work celebrating Rama — the brave warrior. He