Paramparaa – The Tradition Continues…

Significance of Karkataka Sankramana by Sri Sesha Bhattar

Karkataka Sankramana signals the end of Uttarayana and the beginning of Dakshinayana. On this day, Tarpanams and rituals will be performed to please Pitrudevathas (ancestors) who will bless their children and grandchildren with prosperity, wisdom and good health. On this day, homams will be performed and brahmins will be given dhaanam. A fast will be observed on this day.

In our podcast, Thiruvaheendrapuram priest Sri Sesha Bhattar explains the significance of The Sun moving to Southern direction and the transition from of Mithuna (Gemini) raasi to Kataka (Cancer) raasi. Let us listen and benefit from it.

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