Paramparaa – The Tradition Continues…

August 8 – Amavasya

Amavasya is referred to as the new moon day, The day is significant as people perform rituals to appease ancestors or Pitru Devathas. Tarpanam is performed on this day. People take food only once and observe Upavasam. In many parts of India, many rituals are performed on this day. Many festivals and vratas are associated with the Amavasya tithi. People offer donations to the poor, under privileged, orphans and feed them on this day. Devotees throng Tiruvallur Sri Veeraraghava Swamy Temple to have a darshan as the day is considered the birthday of the Lord.

08.08.2021– Sunday– sarva aadi amAvasai [Sankalpam]

plava nAma samvathsarE, dakshiNAyanE greeshma rithau, kataka mAsE krishNa pakshE amAvAsyAyAm puNyathithau bAnu vAsara pushya / aaslEshA nakshatra yukthAyA, asyAm amAvAsyAyAm puNyakALE tharsa srArdham thila tharppaNa roopENa adhya karishyE