80 students recieved prizes in various competitions conducted by Sri Desika Sabha , Secunderabad during the 56th Thiruppavai festival at Swarajya Press on 25th December 2023. Sri ES Mukundan, former professor in Microwave Engineering was the chief guest. Sri S Krishnan (President), Sri Oragadam Lakshminarasimhan (Upanyasaka), Sri Prasanna Venkatesan (Joint Secretary), Sri Dharanidharan (Vice President) and Secretrary Sri NT Seshadri gave prizes to the children. Kum l Ujjivani Badrinarayanan, lecturer in Keshav Memorial Degree College was honoured for her outstanding contribution in training the students on Sanatana Dharma. About 20 volunteers, led by Sri Ramakrishna Vidhata assisted in conducting the event.