Paramparaa – The Tradition Continues…


TANIYAN – DEFINITION(தனியன்) What is Taniyan (தனியன்) and its significance? Before undertaking an endeavour to study a traditional grantham, slokam or any similar composition, it is indeed our custom to invoke the blessings of the author and/or his reverent and sacred scriptures. In addition, a taniyan is chanted before conforming to a kalakshepam or upanyasam, […]

Golu get-together galvanises Indians in U.S.

(Sridhar Sampath) After two years of hiatus, Hindus all over the USA celebrated Navarathri with great enthusiasm and devotion. The traditional golu by South Indian families and temples and Gujarathi Garbha events were back in full celebratory mode this year. Golu events in the USA are vastly different from those in India in scale, size […]