Tiruvinnagarm Periya Tirumozhi

Tiruvinnagarm Periya Tirumozhi
The aim of this multilingual website is to propagate Sanatana Dharma and take the ideals and philosophies of our Gurus and Acharyas to a large section of people all over the world. It will strive to promote tradition, spiritual knowledge, the importance of daily rituals like Sandhya Vandanam, and the ideals of our Acharyas. A variety of columns such as Sampradaya, Acharyas, Nityanushtanam, Divyadarsanam, Viswam, Almanac etc will hog the attention of readers. Let us make this Paramparaa, a unique initiative for enlightening people, a big success and ensure that our tradition continues forever. Let our future generations flourish with spiritual and philosophical knowledge and guidance provided by our great Acharyas. With the blessings of our Acharyas, Gurus and Sampradaya Parirakshakas, this tree of Paramparaa will sustain the momentum of awakening among the people.
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