Paramparaa – The Tradition Continues…

Upanyasam on Kamasikashtakam by U. Ve. Sriman Dr. D. Srinivasan

Swami Vedanta Desika’s Kamasikashtakam is written in praise of Lord Narasimha who descended on Tiruvelukkai in Kancheepuram. In these 8 slokas, Swami Desika extols the beauty of Yoga Narasimha and the purpose of His avatara.

In our podcast, we present the upanyasam on Kamasikashtakam by U. Ve. Sriman Dr. D. Srinivasan who explains the significance of the stotra and the style and grammar used by Vedanta Desika. Let us listen and enjoy it.

Learn Stotras, Divya Prabandham, Sanskrit and Nithya Karma


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